Good Toscana is the place to meet the taste of genuine Tuscan tradition.


Good Toscana is the place to meet the taste of genuine Tuscan tradition. A space where you can find typical products of this area which has its roots in the rolling Tuscan hills, often decorated with cypresses, with wheat fields, vines and olive trees. A land known for its art beauties, but also for its food and wine tradition: quality food and tasty traditional recipes. A natural landscape for the most part unspoiled, with clean, crisp air, where you are pervaded by warm sunlight, I'm bored, where it seems time can stop, in a perfect balance between man and nature, the animal and plant worlds. In this land, time seems to pass slowly, following the ancient rhythms of peasant life, capable of enjoying the abundance of quality raw materials, than through the old traditional recipes, they are transformed into wine, oil, cheeses, cured meats of excellence and quality recognized throughout the world. The careful selection of these products is the heart of the Good Toscana project, who wants to be a promoter of living, but above all of the "Tuscan eating", by discovering quality production realities, with niche products, processed according to the strict recipes of the Tuscan peasant tradition. We want to begin our journey, presenting the products of the Sienese Norcina art, with its spicy cured meats with a delicious taste. A selection of products chosen by a company with a long and consolidated tradition, the Salumificio Angelini, an entrepreneurial history that has lasted for more than fifty years in the processing of pork. Cured meats and cold cuts of artisanal production, treated according to the recipes of the old generations of farmers of the Crete Senesi, lived between the municipalities of Asciano and Trequanda, a territory to 40 km from the city walls of Siena, immersed in the countryside, among hills covered with vineyards, olivi, wheat and wheat for beef and pork farms and pastures for goats and sheep, from whose milk tasty cheeses are produced. Follow us through the flavors of tradition… we will bring the most genuine and true Tuscany to your table.